Mixed Media

The human condition, 2018, photo, wire, wood ,12"

The Cry2018,foam, wiremesh, sticks 12"

"Cry the beloved country", 2018, foam, wire mesh, sticks, photos, 8" to 12" H

The Caged, 2018, canvas, wire mesh, photos,8" x 10"

Waterfall, 2019, plastic , wire. 3' x 3'

Jacob's Ladder, 2019, plastic wood, 3'

How Many Angels, 2018, acrylic, ceramic stucco, plastic, on canvas.24" x 36"

Hera, 2020, balls, paper, acyrlic on palmfrond, 18" x 14"

Silenced 2020 acrylic, paper on palmfrond,,17" x 14"

Babies 3, 2021 plastic babies, paper on cardboard 6"x8"

Babies 4, 2021, plastic babies, paper, acrylic on cardboard, 6"x8"

Babies 2, 2020, cardboard, plastic babies, acrylic on canvas. 8"x10"

Babies 1, 2019. babies slide sleeve, pumice on canvas, ,12" x 12"

Baby 2018, doll,wire, metal cap,7"

Making the rounds, 2021, Acrylic,paper on board 24" x 19"

Cookie Monster, 2021, paper, pumice,acrylic on plastic,35" x 16

Br. David,2018 rocks on wood,11" x 3"

Flammable, 2018, oaper,fabric, acyrlic on canvas, 10" x 8"

Charles 1, 2021, acrylic, paper plate, paper, on canvas, 12" x 12"

Charles 2 2021 acrylic, paper plate, paper on canvase, 12" x 12"

Tear 1, 2021 acrylic, paper, paper plate, on canvas,10" x 10"

Tear 2, 2021 acrylic, paper plate, paper on canvas, ,16" x 12"

Tear 3, 2021, acrylic paper plate, paper, on canvas, 16" x 12"

Tear 4, 2021 acrylic, paper plate, paper on canvas, ,10" x 8"

Steve Jobs, 2021 acrylic, ear pod packing on canvas,12" x 9"


Contact candicefuhrman@gmail.com for more information